Speech to Creston Valley Rotary Club

Wednesday, December 31, 1986

First of all I would like to say how happy I am to be in Creston with all of you once again.

I also would like to emphasize the fact of how important the Rotary Exchange Program is and I hope that every member here realizes that by sponsoring a student from another country one is changing the course of someone’s life.  People are becoming more and more aware of what is happening in other countries and the gap that existed before is becoming smaller and the world (hopefully) is becoming a better one.

I hope everybody here realizes how much people’s lives change once they have the opportunity to experience a different way of life.  I know that not every student ends up marrying and returning to the host country, but I am very sure that most students go back to their countries with a better understanding of life and become better citizens.

This gathering today brings back a lot of memories.  It’s been 10 years since I last met with Rotary.  It was my farewell party.  My year was over and it was time for me to return home.

Once in Brazil, I was happy to be with my family and friends but I soon realized that my heart stayed in Canada.  I want all of you to know that I did not return to Canada only because I was in love with Kevin.  I returned to Canada because I knew I had a choice.  I had seen a different way of life and I liked it better.

I had changed and I could not longer accept the class system which forms Brazilian society.  I felt empty inside.  I had come from a society where people were judged mostly for their wealth, not for their character.  Myself, I never had to worry about anything before ? I always had maids and everything else was provided for me.  All I had to do was to go to school, buy a new outfit every week to go to the club, and meet people who came from "good families".  I had never made my bed before, let alone work.

Everything I’ve done in the past 10 years I’ve accomplished by myself ? not because I came from a "well-to-do family".  I like to be judged for what I am, for my character, my personality.  People often ask me, "Don’t you miss having maids?"  No, I say, for I know I do not need a maid to do my work ? I am capable of doing the work myself (and along with this comes a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction).

Canada is a wonderful country and is often called "the land of opportunity", which is very true.  Canadians do not realize how lucky they are.  They have the best of everything: a small population, a diversified culture due to different ethnic groups, and most important, freedom; freedom to come and to go, freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom to vote, and most important, freedom to be.

Canada has an excellent form of government that looks out for its people.  (I am not sure what happened last election and due to some mix up Mulroney got elected ? I am sure we will have everything under control next election.)  How many countries in the world have: Unemployment insurance?  Welfare?  A subsidized medical plan?  Old age pensions?  Subsidized universities?

I am afraid not many countries, not even the U.S.A., provides all of these benefits to its people.  Often Canadians and Americans are lumped together by other countries and are labeled "North Americans" as they think they are all the same.  That’s not so.  Canadians are very different from Americans.

Canadians welcome people from other nationalities to Canada with open arms for they realize that what makes Canada a unique country is the diversity of its people.  Because of its small population, Canada does not have as many "weirdos".  Canadians do no carry guns to protect themselves.  Fortunately we have the R.C.M.P.; well known for its integrity all over the world.  Also Canadians do not think they are God’s gift to the world.

This September I became a Canadian citizen.  The judge at the court made me feel very welcome and she told me how happy she was to have me aboard.  She knew I was a teacher and she also knew from experience that because I had come from a different culture, I saw life differently and I had a lot of new ideas to offer.

I am very happy to be in Canada (and also very fortunate) and I am very proud to be a Canadian citizen and I am certainly going to do my best to keep Canada the great nation that it is today.

Thank you…

Dulce Huscroft